Overview of Conversational Language Course Levels

Our language courses are organized into levels from Beginner 1 to Advanced. Use this table as a guide to choosing the language level appropriate for you. If you have questions, feel free to contact us or call us at 604 822 1444. Our staff can also help you choose the language course that's right for you.

Beginner 1

No previous experience with the language is necessary.  You may, however, have some vocabulary but aren’t using complete sentences.

Beginner 2

You’re able to have a basic conversation, present yourself and someone else, discuss interests and activities, and ask and answer simple questions. You’re comfortable using basic regular verbs in the present tense.

Lower Intermediate

You can have a simple conversation on familiar topics, and are able to give directions. You can use the future tense; you don’t consider yourself fluent, however.


You can speak competently, but still need correction in pronunciation, grammar and complex sentence structure. You can understand most things communicated in the language.


You are fluent in the language. You understand the main points on familiar topics and can give and justify your opinion. You can describe experiences and events. At this level, you want to develop your use of complex sentence structures.