Software solutions are found in virtually every sector of the economy, and sector growth will continue to offer job prospects in the decades to come. Many roles, including those in business and financial analysis, research, software development, engineering, and even animation and FX, require foundational programming and software systems development skills.
Our programming courses are developed and taught by faculty from the UBC Department of Computer Science − rated in the top 3 in Canada − and feature world-class content aligned with the needs of employers and industry. Our Software Development Bootcamp is taught by industry leaders in partnership with Circuit Stream.
If you’re interested in upskilling for your current role, rounding out your resume for future roles, or making a career change, our part-time online courses and bootcamp offer choice and flexibility.
If you’re interested in building your Python skills, use this table to compare Introduction to Systematic Design in Python and Key Capabilities in Data Science to find the program that best suits your skills and career goals.