French Lower Intermediate

If you are able to conduct a simple conversation about familiar topics with only some hesitation, then register for French Lower Intermediate. In this immersion course, focus on using French in authentic real-life situations. Continue to expand your vocabulary, and start to elevate your level of language by learning more complex structures with a communication goal in mind.

Concentrate on speaking correctly, and distinguishing between the past, present, and future tenses. Begin to learn about nuances of French, including correct levels of language to use in various situations.

Our experienced instructors help you gain confidence in your French speaking skills in an interactive and relaxed atmosphere. For extra practice between classes, you can access resources chosen by your instructor using our online system, Canvas.

Click here for a detailed course outline.

If you need to miss a class, French Lower Intermediate is offered several times during the week, so you have the opportunity to make up your class on another day if necessary.

This course can be applied to the UBC Certificate in French Language and Culture.

Course Format

This course is offered 100% online.

About Online Learning

Our online conversational language courses offer you a real-time virtual classroom experience where you can see and interact with your teacher and classmates. Each week, you log in at a set time to your class using our intuitive learning management platform, Canvas. Through Canvas, you access Zoom, a web conferencing app, for your live class. Just like in a classroom, you do individual, pair and group work, ask questions and receive verbal feedback from your instructor.

Outside of class time, you can access handouts and other materials online at your own pace and rhythm. You might be doing readings or watching videos to prepare for your next class, or practising with the material you have learned in your previous class. You do get out what you put in.

In order for a virtual classroom to be successful, we want to see your faces! Please be prepared to participate with your video turned on. We provide virtual drop-in sessions for you to test out the Zoom app before your first day of class.  We will also send you instructions on accessing Canvas before your course begins.

Learn more about online learning at UBC Extended Learning.

Available Sessions

Course currently not available for registration.