
UBC Micro-certificate Program

"We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others."

Thomas King
Canadian writer and broadcast presenter

There are no shortcuts in anti-racism work. Only by committing daily to re-designing systems to include the perspectives and voices of historically marginalized and oppressed communities can individuals and organizations reach our society’s unrealized potentials. 

The UBC Micro-certificate in Anti-Racism expands your understanding of identity, power and white privilege in the workplace and in our communities, to envision a future liberated from oppressive structures. The courses center racialized voices, and challenges participants to rethink how to meaningfully and tangibly engage in anti-racist and anti-oppression practices and strategies within organizational settings, and beyond.  

  • Program Format: Can be completed 100% online
  • Duration: You can complete this program in approximately 6-12 months, or take up to two years to complete. Choose three anti-racism courses and two diversity and inclusion elective courses for a total of 125 hours of course work.
  • Cost: From $3,225 to $4,290, including a non-refundable application fee
  • Applications accepted any time

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What This Program Offers
How We Deliver This Program
Program Courses and Dates
Meet Your Instructors
Program Costs
How to Apply